Wednesday 28 August 2013

LLCH & Run to the Beat

Colville Estate, Hackney
You may have noticed a few evening shots of council estates over on the LLCH Tumblr recently (like the one above of the Colville Estate, Hackney). That's because I've been out regularly running and training for the Nike Run to the Beat half-marathon which takes place in less than two weeks in Greenwich, south London.

So far the longest route I've done is 11 miles - that was last Saturday. It was a killer. It was misty, humid and damp and who the hell knew that Hampstead Heath is actually the most difficult place to run in the world. Here's the route.

Anyway, it's been a real challenge. And I'm running for the development and disaster-relief charity Article 25.

It would be really awesome if anyone reading this could sponsor me. They do amazing work all over the world, including in Burkina Faso and Uganda...and they're a small charity, so every little really does help.

You can sponsor me here

Thank you!

I was thinking of doing some posts of running routes incorporating estates. What do you think? Is it something you'd like to see?

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