Tuesday 6 August 2013

An interactive map of London's council estates

This is a bit of a work in progress, so please bear with me!

I've started to make a map of some of London's council estates. At the moment it's mostly the ones I've written about on this blog, plus some obvious extras (like Alexandra Road).

I realise it's not comprehensive in any way, but thought it might be useful nonetheless.

Any estates you'd like to see added? Or other places of interest? Let me know what you think!

See the interactive map here.


  1. There's an interesting estate arranged as modern villas along Cedars Rd, running north off Clapham Common. I've always thought it amusing: a fairly good hearted attempt to acknowledge Victorian precedents. The plan benefits from a kind of courtyard arrangement which is hard to explain. I think it's well worth a detour, particularly if you've got a bike.

    Bing Maps offers a good overview.

    I like your website.


  2. You're welcome to put Perronet House on it. We're in Open House this coming September but otherwise fairly unknown. Details here: www.perronethouse.com

  3. You should go check out some more Tecton/Lubetkin works for the blog such as Bevin (Lenin) Court near Kings Cross, and Hallfield near Paddington. There's also a few good blocks in Lambeth by George Finch such as Lambeth Towers near the Imperial War Museum and a series of blocks across the borough with a distinctive overhanging balcony style (there's a group of 3 in Kennington, another group of 3 in Stockwell, but a few odd ones elsewhere - only one I can remember name of is Pinter House).

  4. There's the Ashmole behind my gaff in Oval/Vauxhall, opposite the cricket ground. I've no idea if it's of any architectural interest - it seems pretty generic - but it's "a mixture of 1930s five-storey walk up blocks, 1970’s tower blocks, maisonettes and houses" according to some website I just had a butcher's at.
