Wednesday 15 May 2013

In the shadow of Canary Wharf

Before Canary Wharf existed, before JG Ballard even envisaged it in High Rise, housing was being built in its shadow in the depths of east London.

The Will Crooks Estate is one of these. A classic LCC design, built around 1934, back when the main priority was to house the post-war population in comfortable accommodation with their own private bath.

There are five blocks. At ground level there's red brick, with yellow stock brick above. At the back of the buildings there are continuous balconies, leading from the flats to the staircase towers.

There are loads of these kinds of blocks around London - this is a really nice example.

I wasn't able to go inside any of the flats - but the buildings look well kept. The windows have double glazing and there is some nice landscaping around.

Well worth a visit for council estate fans, I would say!

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